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Tamsin Blanchard

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Tamsin Blanchard

Tamsin Blanchard is a London-based journalist and a dedicated advocate for a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry.


Tamsin Blanchard

Tamsin Blanchard is a London-based journalist and a dedicated advocate for a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry.


She serves on Fashion Revolution's Global Coordination Team and curates Fashion Open Studio, a platform that highlights designers working on innovative solutions to the social and environmental issues facing the fashion world. She writes for The Gentlewoman, the Guardian and 10 Magazine, former editor of Hole & Corner magazine, and has written several books including Green is the New Black.

  1. The last item you would give away and why?

I have a few things that I inherited from my mum. I almost lost her Shirin Guild grey cardigan from the ’90s recently and was in a total panic. But a friend picked it up for me, and we were reunited. It’s a hug in clothing form.

  1. Favourite place in the world? 


  1. Silk, cotton, or cashmere and why? 

Cashmere is a treat. Cotton is also precious; I’ve picked it in the field in India at my friend Nishanth’s farm, and when grown in harmony with the soil and rain, it’s a real wonder fibre.

  1. Best book ever? 

That’s tricky. The New Journalism by Tom Wolfe is a collection of pieces by several writers, and it had a massive impact on me.

5. Soundtrack to your life?

Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, the Ronettes — all before my time, of course, but part of my upbringing and part of me.

  1. A quote to change your life? 

“You’re only as good as your last” — which is a bit scary, but it keeps me on my toes!

  1. One thing you wish you’d learned at school, or the one thing you learned in school that you couldn’t live without? 

English grammar. I had excellent English teachers. I’m also grateful for my art foundation year, which was my gateway to everything I do today.

  1. Who would you want to be stuck in a lift with? 

Not Gregg Wallace, thanks.

  1. If you had the power to change anything you wanted in the world, what would it be? 

So many things. Inequality, injustice, plastic pollution, growth for the sake of growth… obviously, I could go on.

  1. Three things your friends would say about you? 

I should ask them.

  1. Your three favourite fabrics:

Oshadi Collective seed-to-sew cotton because the farming process regenerates the soil, and I know how it’s grown, woven, dyed, and sewn.

Secondhand cashmere because it deserves to be looked after, mended, and worn forever.

I also love seersucker. I’m not big on ironing, and I really like the natural texture of seersucker.

UK Caramel Cotton

UK Grey/Silver Cotton Mix

UK Indigo Cotton Chambray

Our Last Yarn Curators

Gemma Metheringham is a researcher, writer, consultant, and advocate for secondhand fashion, dedicated to exploring how the growth of the fashion resale market can contribute to re