Last Yarn Academy

Supporting the next generation of creatives

Last Yarn Academy offers schools, universities, and charities scholarships, mentorships, and academy events including panellist talks and more.

panellist talk

In contributing to a new textile economy we will support inspiring young talents, working in partnership with schools, universities and charities to push localisation, collaboration and innovation.

We see education as a cornerstone of the change sweeping the industry and an opportunity to support emerging talents from its roots.

We will provide hugely reduced and gifted fabrics for students and charities, as well as providing donated off cut textile bins at universities and colleges across the country. 

You can sign up for our exclusive student discount below or to work with us email  

What is the impact of producing new textiles?

Fashion is one of the most polluting industries globally, with 



Fabric glossary

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Sign up for your student discount

At LAST YARN, we think everybody should have access to the good stuff. So, if you’re a student, we’re giving you a 10% discount*. Once you input your details below, we’ll verify your course and then send you your discount code.

By signing up, you agree to receive email marketing.

* Terms and conditions apply