LY Academy
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LY Fabric Sponsorship 2024

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The Last Yarn Fabric Sponsorship, hosted by the Last Yarn Academy is back! And this time we are opening it up to students across the UK. The Last Yarn Academy collaborates with universities and communities to share surplus fabrics beyond our marketplace, providing students with textiles that would otherwise go to waste. 

We recognise the additional expenses design students incur during their studies, through buying materials to complete projects. Two students will be selected to have their university project supported with free fabrics, access to our fabric showroom in North London and mentorship from our co-founders. 

Following three successful rounds of The Last Yarn Fabric Sponsorship, we are opening up the opportunity to support students across universities in the UK. We’ve previously gifted fabrics and support to students from Middlesex University, Central Saint Martins and Jimmy Choo Academy; in collaboration with partners including Singer Sewing Machine and Ernest Wright.

To enter, complete the application form below. The sponsorship currently supports university students in fashion and textiles related degrees and you will receive: 

  • £100 Last Yarn gift card to contribute towards your university project 
  • Access to thousands of fabrics from pure silks to jerseys and velvets from our fabric showroom in North London 
  • Support from Last Yarn co-founders via mentorship 

LY Academy Alumni

Student projects backed by Last Yarn, using surplus fabrics and materials from our sellers.

Asa Briet 2

Asa Briet
Central Saint Martins

Sasha Clegg The Englishman 2

Sasha Clegg, The Englishman
Jimmy Choo Academy

Catherine Meyong

Catherine Meyong
Central Saint Martins

Georgia Rose

Georgia Rose
Middlesex University 

Ana Coedoba

Ana Cordoba
Central Saint Martins

Perry Davidson otherwise known as P3RRY DAVIDS8N

Perry Davidson, P3RRY DAVIDS8N
Jimmy Choo Academy 

Deadline: 10 December 2024 
Shortlist announced by mid December 


  • Students must apply with their university emails. Personal emails will not be put forward for shortlisting.
  • Students must be in a full time course at a recognised university in the UK.
  • Fashion and Textile (or equivalent) students will be prioritised. 
  • Academic references may be required past the shortlisting stage. 

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